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Tuesday 9 June 2009

Mood for change in the port expressed

Leading daily Westcountry newspaper, Western Morning News published an article yesterday claiming they had sight of Newlyn Harbour's accounts which showed a significant deficit in the finances of the port. The harbour commissioners are in the middle of a transition period where, as a trust port, they need to adopt a new set of rules by which to operate in the wake of the Modernising Trust Ports - A Guide to Good Governance published in 2000 - as yet not adopted by NHPC - things take while to filter down to the far west it seems!

The story leads on a lack of faith in the remaining six commissioners (two recently resigned) from ten, to tackle the changes and initiate the developments needed to compete in a global fishing market - these are further exacerbated by the current economic downturn. The harbour will need to do everything in its power to provide the most modern facilities and services available to take advantage of its unique position in the heart of the most prolific high quality fish grounds available in Europe and as a haven for leisure craft and other maritime interests including the arts for which Newlyn is world renowned.

For further reference, a look at Falmouth Harbour's annual report (another Trust Port - though they do turnover in excess of £3 million) is an indication of the weight of business experience and acumen recruited to the running of that port in today's ultra competitive maritime environment where ports need to be sensitive to the commercial and leisure interests of all concerned. Falmouth's website is, indeed, divided into two such sections for the benefit of harbour users.


Anonymous said...

Its about time the truth is being allowed to filter out from the incompetents known as NHPC. A complete rebuild of staff is needed starting at the top. These people are paid a lot of money and have failed Newlyn and the Harbour users for years. This sounds a bit harsh but £200,000- £300-000 losses cannot continue.

Larry Hartwell - Through the Gaps said...

Harbour Commssioners are, in fact, voluntary positions - not paid. The only paid member is that of Secretary to the Commissioners who, in Newlyn's case and unusually so, is also the Harbour Master.

Larry Hartwell said...

Harbour Commssioners are, in fact, voluntary positions - not paid. The only paid member is that of Secretary to the Commissioners who, in Newlyn's case and unusually so, is also the Harbour Master.