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Tuesday 12 May 2009

Big lift

While temporarily berthed at newlyn, cox'n and crew on the Sennen lifeboat exchange a few pleasantries with harbour master Andrew Munson after they were called to assist a 20ft single-handed yacht that was in trouble off Sennen - the yacht, unable to make headway in the strong to gale force nor'easterly winds was towed back 'round the corner' (Land's End) by the lifeboat to Newlyn......
before heading off to take on fuel......
the local crabs have begun to move on the grounds.......
a fresh enough May breeze has most of the fleet in and tied up......
there's some serious lifting gear arrived over the weekend, now assembled and ready to go aboard the rig platform before beong towed round to Sennen where it will be used to complete the structural changes currently in progress to the Lifeboat Station.......
the paint-up is almost complete with the topcoat catching the evening sun......
with the harbour full, even the market berths have been taken up.

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