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Sunday 7 December 2008

Its a picky sort of day

Must be the smallest set of mid-water doors seen in the port - it takes a cat to catch a mackerel?......
Mr Morley heads back to hos pontoon berth......
as Grimmy makes waves of a different kins headed for Penzance Dock and a small tugging job as the dry-dock's latest job needs to come out through the Ross Bridge.....
much leaning on the throttle to get the Twilight to come round before she can get through the gaps.....
careful handling of the mornings catch from Barry on the Boy Brax...
another punt heads back to tier as the Twilight makes her bid for freedom.....
run deep according to the old proverb........
here's what the nets were shot for, a fine fat mackerel.....
under the watchful eye of the local herring gull population - the herring are being watched....
as they are deftly picked out of the fine meshed net.....
Cap'n Hooper steers his command back home......
and another herring joins the box, hopefully they will make more then 40p a kilo on tomorrow's market - though all hands are not holding their breath.....
today sees the tree in place outside the Mission.....
while the good ship Inspiration bobs in her berth......
biggest boat currently working from the port makes her way in through the gaps......
wrapped for the winter, the Ripple won't see much action till the Spring next year.
Plugger makes some fine adjustments to the footrope of the Shiralee's trawl.

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