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Friday 29 August 2008

A Friday market full of fine fish.

Tom gets to peer through the early morning mist rolling across the fleet...
and its good to see the Ripple sporting her fully rigged sails...
although in this weather a heavy dew covers the fors'l .....
the gill net fleet still use a sail - the mizzen to steady the boat and keep it 'head to wind' when hauling the nets - wjen steaming in poor weather the mizzen helps slow down the boat's rolling movement and can be used canted to one side when steaming in a following wind to cut fuel consumption - here, skipper Phil shares a joke with two of his young crew....
small inshore boats that work from the small coves in West Cornwall
not only use the insulated tubs with slush ice aboard the boat, they then keep the fish in the tubs in order to transport them to the market in tip-top condition..... looking back over a full western end of the market with a mix of inshore and netter fish alongside 22 tubs of Cornish Sardines which are plentiful at the moment....
these quality monk cheeks will no doubt feature on the menu of several key local fish restaurants this weekend...
after weighing a decent sized Porbeagle shark the tally is marked up....
after which Mark finishes off the laying out of Carol H's fish with a topping of flake ice... a subtly striped species of gurnard from the Scorpio's landing in superb condition....

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