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Friday 24 May 2013

Louisa N towed back to Newlyn

The Louisa N was towed in by the Filadelfia and the tow taken over by the Danmar to get in through the gaps...

recorded from a distance.

Thursday 23 May 2013

"Celebrity chef boards North Sea vessel to calm storm with skippers"

Fish Fighters making the news on Scottish TV!

Celebrity chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall has boarded a Peterhead vessel in bid to calm the storm with angry skippers who claim his TV show misrepresented them.

In March, STV revealed that Hugh’s Fish Fight production company, KEO Films, were listening to the skippers who had launched an alternative campaign online called The Real Fish Fight.

Budding Rose skipper Peter Bruce voiced concerns that the series did not differentiate between the healthy north-east sector and troubled markets elsewhere in the UK.

On Wednesday, Hugh joined the crew in Lerwick on the last leg of their fishing trip from Shetland back to the Buchan port, to begin filming a follow-up series of his programme.

The River Cottage star said: "I wanted to come up here and see how the fishermen have been working with the catchment quota system and how they have been reducing discards.

"While we have been fishing we have seen plenty of haddock and cod, which will be landed as Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified fish. We have also had some very interesting conversations about the situation here in the North Sea.

"I would love to see a thriving fishing sector up here, it is not all doom and gloom in the North Sea. We have always supported Scottish haddock and Peter and I share lots of the same hopes for the future."
Before joining forces, Peter - who has an MSC certificate of sustainability for his haddock - said Hugh’s programme was "scaremongering" and that the chef had been "motivated by raising his profile and bank balance".

Hugh added: "It was difficult coming up here after some of the comments made but I knew that if I came and spoke face-to-face that we would find some common ground. In the heat of what was a well-charged debate things were said, but now we have thrashed it out and it has been a great process.
"I have been in the galley sampling some fantastic Cullen skink, made by the resident Budding Rose chef, Richard, which has been a real highlight for me."

The Budding Rose recently landed 30 tonnes of cod in a single net in Peterhead
The Budding Rose recently landed 30 tonnes of cod in a single net in Peterhead

The Real Fish Fight SOF (Support Our Fishermen) has been promoting sustainability and encouraging people to eat more fresh, local fish. They also argued that "there are plenty of fish in the sea".

The fishermen claim that cod stocks in the North Atlantic have reached their highest levels for almost 20 years and ships such as the Budding Rose require only a relatively short time at sea to fill their holds.
Since launching their Facebook page, over 5000 people have signed up to support their campaign.
Peter said: "Hugh got in contact after STV contacted him a few months ago. Since then I have had several visits from some of his guys. I knew that he would have to come away with me if he was to understand what we do, especially the measures we have put in place with conservation and discards.
"I want to show him how different the North Seas are from other areas. I’m really encouraged that he has come out and I hope that he will portray the work we do accurately. We want to take this positive step forward and instil the right perception of our work.

"It was a big move for me as the skippers involved in setting up the campaign against him have a sense of distrust about both him and the programme. But I’m glad he was willing to come and let me change his mind and open his eyes."

A recent haul of cod from Peter Bruce's boat - the Budding Rose

A recent haul of cod from Peter Bruce's boat - the Budding Rose

Peterhead is the UK’s largest white fish and pelagic (mackerel and herring) port and runs an onsite fish market from Monday to Friday.

The fishing fleet at Peterhead has fallen from 120 vessels in the 1990s to only 30 at present. In February, The Budding Rose hauled her largest ever catch of cod - 30 tonnes in a single net.

Previously, Hugh heaped praise on campaign leader Peter, calling him a "top skipper" and someone who could "lead the UK fishing industry".

Peter added: "Fishermen haven't been given any credit for their efforts, and there is no evidence to suggest that by banning fishing in certain areas that fish numbers will increase, or that this will be the best way to conserve."

The fishing industry was dealt a heavy blow when, earlier this year, the Marine Conservation Society demoted mackerel on its list of ethical fish to eat, causing Hugh to ditch his campaign to get "mac baps" into Britain’s chippies.

North Sea fishermen met with green groups WWF, Marine Scotland and fisheries scientists to find a solution to the depleting stocks and have brought in nets with larger mesh sizes to allow younger fish to escape.

Courtesy of the STV web site.

UK Fish Shop Hampered by EU Regulations.

UK Fish shop owner describes how countless EU regulations make his business more difficult to manage. UK fishing industry on the downturn and mostly ruined by foreign competition through deals made in the EU to let other countries have their fish. Just like the demise of UK fishing, independent small shops are being driven out of business by competition from the large sellers. By design? Yes. UK fisheries given away to other countries through trade agreements. 

 When are people going to stand up and say to the government...you are supposed to be representing us... our wishes... and looking out after our interests and doing what the people want! They, by their actions, are saying to the people we know what is best for you...whether you agree or not. Is this the End of representative government?

"The entire species of fish are in danger........."

We could really do without this level of hype when introducing your show Martha!.

Memory studies are often some version of a phenomena known as primacy-recency - most people during a given period will remember the first things they are told and the last.  In this TV lifestyle/cooking show from the USA, host Martha Stewart talks in the following apocalyptic terms:

"...that one day we might not be able to catch, or eat eat any fish any more"

Dear Martha, do we really need this degree of dramatisation in order to talk about buying fish to cook at home?!

This is exactly the reason skipper Peter Bruce threw down the gauntlet to journalist-come-chef Hugh Fearnely-Whittingstall to come out on the boat and see at first hand the results of years of stringent gear modifications, restricted areas and the positive effects of intiatives like the Responsible Fishing Scheme of which he was a pioneer for Seafish.

Finding the fish fighters all at sea!

Despite some reservations, there is plenty of support from many within the industry for the actions of the Peter Bruce aboard the Budding Rose after challenging Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall to sail with him and his pair partner the Lapwing to see at first hand the amount of fish on the ground...

the AIS track shows where the pair team decided to go and fish - south west of the Shetlands.

on the same lines, here is a letter in response to an article that appeared in the Daily Telgraph this week:

SIR – As a fisherman, I must comment on Geoffrey Lean’s article on fisheries reform (Comment, May 11). It is rumoured that there are 2,600 amendments tabled, so any clear way out of this mess is doomed.
The main problem is that fish stocks are not dwindling but increasing. Cod and Dover sole are doing very well in the North Sea, with many of my colleagues having to find grounds with fewer fish on them for fear of catching too many. The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science says there are more plaice in the North Sea now than when scientific work began in 1960. Similarly, haddock are increasing in the Channel.
The quotas are so small that discarding is inevitable, and because we are not acknowledging the rising stock levels we will continue to discard.
Paul Gilson 
Leigh-on-Sea, Essex
Comments below:
Interesting to see how many of the response to the letter focus on membership of the EU rather than the state of fish stocks per se!

  • Commenter's avatar
    Good letter - but what makes you think that logic has anything to do with the EU's decisions? The evidence points in exactly the opposite direction.
  • Commenter's avatar
    Excellent letter and so so true
  • Commenter's avatar
    Just another reason to leave the EU
  • Commenter's avatar
    They are feeding farmed salmon chicken,time for a new food scare,but none of the regulators are bothered,as usual they will arrive when its too late.
  • Commenter's avatar
    Would stocks be increasing because the other fish are getting a feast from the discards of the trawlers?
  • Commenter's avatar
    There are now far too many restrictions on fishing. Just let us have our fishing grounds back from the EU and leave Britain free to police them.
  • Commenter's avatar
    Agreed...we could take our own 200 mile limit (although I suppose that in the English Channel and Irish Sea,we will have to compromise with an imaginary line down the middle)
  • Commenter's avatar
    Thats how it used to be.
  • Commenter's avatar
    "As a fisherman".
    Hm.  I wonder if there is a hint of a vested interest there.
  • Commenter's avatar
    So what, at least he declared his interest and it probably means he knows what he's talking about. EU and UK bureaucrats also have a vested interest in controlling (or destroying) our fishing industry, but do it under the guise of objectivity, the wider interest and scientific fact, which may or may not be true.

Real Fish Fighter takes the Fish Fighter to sea!!!

Hugh Fearnely-Whiitingstall and skipper Peter Bruce aboard the pair trawler Budding Rose chase North Sea cod.

Message from Peter Bruce:

"Hugh sailed with me on Wednesday.  It wasn't a decision l took lightly but I wanted him to see what we are seeing daily on the Budding Rose and that's the amazing recovery of the cod stock.  I also wanted to discuss with him things like the discard ban and MPAs.  l have to stress l didn't approach Hugh to come with me, it was the opposite.  Will it be a worthwhile exercise l can't be judge of that until its shown on TV."

Through the Gaps will be keeping you up to date with news from the North Sea!

Fish Fighters go to sea! - updates live from the web - just some of the exchanges at sea.

Braving the elements and taking on some of his fiercest critics, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and a film crew are currently at sea with top Peterhead pair team Budding Rose and Lapwing as they pair trawl 50 miles SE of Shetland

Hugh knows what good for him .. fish caught by British fishermen

Peter Bruce skipper of the Budding Rose is away into Lerwick to pick up HFW to go away with him for a few days... fb.me/F5C9SsUL

(LERWICK) Departure of BUDDING ROSE PD418 at 18:46

Hugh knows what good for him .. fish caught by British fishermen pic.twitter.com/TsNUY4oFtD

Film crews on both boats getting some good coverage in crap weather,,they are doing well without sea legs. @hughsfishfight

@ThroughTheGaps just time for 3 hauls not time do find a good haul

Brian Buchan retweeted

Some FB comments:
David Warwick If it was anybody else taking them away you would worry about the spin hfw would put on it. But Peter Bruce seems a very sensible guy so lets hope some good comes of this.
Its about time we had some good press and the public where made aware of the real state of the stocks and how well they have recovered.

George McKenzie Good. HFW will see the other side of the story. Remember that the people feeding him the green anti fishing side of the story are media trained, and know how to get only the message they want put across to people like HFW. I don't blame him for the fact that fishery leaders have not been doing the same. I think HWF has a genuine concern about fish stocks and conservation, and good he is going to see the fishermen's side of the story and well done for going to sea, he does not have to. Won't be much room aboard boat though with 4 camera crews?guessss

@LapwingPD972 you can tell #hfw @Tegenmor steamed Poole to Newlyn a few weeks ago and saw 3 other fishing boats!

@PeterWillox @will051266 @jrclarkbf800 @collinsseafoods do they know what a flip flap,eliminator trawl Orkney trawl,highly selective gear??