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Wednesday 14 December 2011

Working in the lee.

The French boats left trawling south of the Dodman - Neway, Daytona, Erispoe, Testerossa, Bar Avel and Iroise.
When the weather approaches the limits if fishability, those boats remaining at sea seek whatever shelter they can. In the case of these half dozen French boats tracked by VesselTracker AIS they are all towing the same patch of ground south east of Falmouth. Thanks to the Lizard and Land's End peninsulas which provide a small degree of 'cut' from the huge seas rolling in from the Atlantic and.........
from the wind which has been held coming in from the west for more than 24 hours - as seen from the Sevenstones Lightship data. Even so, the work on deck will be made all the more uncomfortable and arduous as the boat will not cease from rolling heavily at all times.

Cefas Endeavour back at sea and blogging again.

Catch the latest updates from the Cefas Endeavour as they ride out the stormy conditions on their new hunting ground - the English Channel. The ship is on her final voyage for 2012 - a joint trip with the JNCC .

The teams sailed on Cefas Endeavour from Lowestoft on the morning tide on Saturday (10/12/11) with a multidisciplinary team of scientists including marine ecologists, fisheries scientists, plankton taxonomists and acoustic specialists. Also joining us on this survey are colleagues from The Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC).

The main aim of the survey is to assess/monitor the effects of a range of human activities on seabed habitats in three regions; The Eastern English Channel, The Outer Thames and The Dogger Bank. See the blog for full details here:

Falmouth Coastguard kept busy.

Helicopter rescue crews braved treacherous seas and gale force winds to airlift an injured French fisherman from his ship to hospital. The French vessel was 20 miles north west of Land's End yesterday afternoon when the man gashed his hand. Winds of up to gale force nine were battering the ship making it difficult for RNAS helicopter crews to land a winch man on deck. It took an hour before he could be landed safely. Falmouth coastguards received a call for aid from coastguards in France at around 1.45pm. By 2.40pm helicopter crews were on scene. None of the ship's crew spoke English so Falmouth coastguards liaised with them through French colleagues.

Team Tom take to the liferaft:

At 7.54pm yesterday, Falmouth Coastguard received an alert from an emergency locator beacon in the Atlantic and coordinated the rescue of two rowers from a life raft.  Falmouth Coastguard received the alert from 480 miles south west of the Canary Islands from the UK registered beacon belonging to the Atlantic Challenge rowing boat PS Vita. The race organisers also confirmed that they had lost polling contact with PS Vita just after 7pm.

Falmouth Coastguard broadcast an alert to all vessels in the area but the nearest vessel which could provide assistance was the Bahamian registered cruise ship Crystal Serenity approximately 120 miles from the location of the alert.  The Crystal Serenity turned back and proceeded at speed through the night to the position and within seven miles of the position they spotted a red flare. Shortly afterwards at about 6am they located the two rowers in their life raft who were recovered on board the cruise ship.

The rowers are a Dutch and a British National. The PS Vita is a 7.3 metre ocean rowing vessel with two people onboard taking part in a Woodvale Trans-Atlantic challenge from the Canary Islands to Barbados. The two rowers are reported to be uninjured despite at least ten hours in their life raft. Conditions on scene were 25 knots wind with a three metre swell.

From inside the rowing boat the story went something like this.......

"Tom got out from the cabin, as I climbed in. We encouraged each other as usual for the shift that lay ahead. I turned to look at the GPS to see the milage I had row in the last 2 hours, as Tom put his leash on. Just as I went for the cabin hatch handle Tom Shouted "Shit Shit Shit" and a wall of water hit us, capsizing us immediately and flooding the Cabin. I managed to get out of the cabin, to find Tom holding on to the hull of the boat. Thank god he was leashed on and managed to hold on to the boat. The wave that hit us came at a 45 degree angle and was enormous, we were truly very unlucky."

Extracted from the guys Facebook page, Team Tom Atlantic Row - see here:

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Alya, Dodging for 24 hours.

The Guilvinec registered trawler Alya is currently working south of the Scillies.......
though for the last twenty-four hours she has been dodging head to wind as can be seen from her AIS tack, heading into the south westerly seas to begin with before her last run as she heads west. The boat steams slowly with her bow facing directly into the wind to minimise the amount the boat rolls, eventually coming round 180ยบ and making her way back to a start point and repeating the move........
wind height data from the Sevenstones Lightship just a few miles north of where the Alya is currently working shows a swell height between 10-20 feet.

Fish on.

Despite the atrocious weather, a small fleet of Breton boats are still fishing away. Included in the AIS tracks are those of the Newlyn netter, Silver Dawn making her way home to land.........
as the wind continues to hover just under a steady 40 knots and the air pressure has steadied at around 29.2 millibars.

Monday 12 December 2011

Live from St Enodoc - Nathan Oultlaw with Paul Ainsworth cooking masterclass.

Nathan shares a moment with fellow chef Paul Ainsworth from across the river Roc at the end of his final chef's masterclass for the year - keep an eye on the web site for next year's similar events.
Join Nathan and Paul for a six-course fine dining dinner with live interviews and demonstrations. The live event will be happening here, today, at 6pm. Catch the live masterclasses with Nathan Outlaw and Paul Ainsworth from the web site here.

Check out the soused mackerel dish - a great use for mackerel at Christmas - and those Panko breadcrumbs make an appearance again! 

Weather data - what's in a weather chart.

Typical weather data pattern for an approaching depression heading in from the Atlantic - taken from the weather station aboard the now un-manned Sevenstones Lightship. The barometer falls (barometric pressure) as the centre of the low nears the south west - the wind speed increases in the other direction with similar rapidity.

The current sat chart shows the first depression to hit currently at 960 millibars - which is quite low........

twelve hours on and the chart for 0600 tomorrow morning has the low deepening to 943, which is very low - the closer the isobar lines around the centre of the low are together the stronger the wind - looks like the west coast of Scotland is due for a hammering again.

This chart is a print out from a weather fax machine aboard the Breton boat, Le Heidi when she was sheltering in Newlyn on the 11th January 1993 - it shows the 940 millibar depression moving at 25 knots across the Atlantic........
before deepening to one of the deepest lows ever recorded at a predicted 911 millibars it hovered around 915 - unless someone knows different?......

sou'west of Ireland a weather buoy's chart has the wave height dropping over the last 24 hours from a high point of 32 feet around midnight last night to around 20 feet this evening.........
and all hands tied up alongside - though unlike not too many years ago, there's not a single French boat in sight!

At sea, an old saying has it that; wind before rain, set your sails again, rain before wind, sheet your sails in - in other words, if the heavy rain comes first and is followed by a rising wind (generally in this area from the south west) - look out!