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Friday 1 September 2023

Sunrise like a Phoenix on the first #FishyFriday in September.

Let's hope September has started as it means to carry on...

and all the delights...

of an Indian Summer...

mean that all the residents of Newlyn get to spend time basking in the sun...

as the Girl Pamela heads for the gaps...

and the visiting scalloper...

Star of Jura lands her scallop trip...

Friday's auction is made up of fish largely from the big beam trawler Enterprise...

though it's a bit early for any signs of a good cuttlefish season...

there are plenty of boxes of quality fish like these John dory...

lemon and Dover soles...

along with plenty of monk tails that Steve is happy to tally...

hedging your bets...

the bulk of the trip was made up of a big landing of plaice...

meanwhile, the ringnet fleet weighed in with a good night's fishing on sardines...

all of which waste no time in being whisked smartly away...

the Vesta was just one of the sardine fleet to land...

some of the handliners managed to pick away a few mackerel...

and still the occasional meduterranean octopus finds its way into someone's pot...

top of the tree are bass of course...

though a bonus for the Serene Dawn last night were some cracking anchovies...

heading for a drying out berth at the head of the fishmarket for some rudder modifications...

the Dory king himself...

over the other side of the harbour the St Georges is getting an overhaul below the waterline...

Newlyn is not just home to a fishing fleet, a growing number of workboats are making use of its strategically important geographical location at the southwestern most tip of the UK...

one man and his rib...

closely followed by local angling and whale-watching boat, Vanessa Jane...

all enjoy the evocation of times gone by as the classic sailing ship and star of the Poldark TV series...

Phoenix makes... 

her way through the gaps...

a boat steered by a huge wheel in the stern...

is passed by one of the few boats licensed to fish for bluefin tuna...

also heads out to sea...

the mizzen or 'steadying' sail sail has been temporarily furled to make manoeuvring easier...

as all hands are on deck to bring her alongside...

the beam trawler Billy Rowney to take on fuel.