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Friday 3 June 2011

Let's hear it for the spiders!

Extract form an article in the Independent - and Newlyn has its fair share of boats that fish for those sweeter-than-sweet meat spiders.

"Seek out spider crab in Britain, though, and you'll probably struggle. Unless you've eaten at specialist fish restaurants such as Mitch Tonks' Seahorse in Dartmouth, Nathan Outlaw in North Cornwall or Tom Aikens in London, most Brits are as likely to have tasted the sweet tender flesh of spider crab as they are to have eaten jellied eels or snails".  All three chefs are no strangers to Newlyn of course.

As the article go on to say; "Although the waters around our island are teeming with these crustaceans, we seem to prefer to stick to the imported tuna and farmed salmon to which we're accustomed. More than half of our spider crabs are whisked straight to Spain and France while they're still alive, without even touching British soil" - as can be sen from the lorry above, bound for Portugal.

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