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Sunday 24 October 2010

Rope walk & ghost walk.

A four mile round walk from the Coach & Horses taking in the coastal path, Praa Sands, Pengersick Castle and the tiny village of Germoe.

View Praa Sands to Germoe in a larger map
 Looking back towards Prussia Cove.......
just before hitting the beach there's a chance to check on the old Bodelva rope barometer, you know, if the rope is still there's no wind, if the rope's wet it's raining and if the rope's missing it's a hurricane.....
 even at this time of year on Praa Sands there's plenty of action in the water, enough to keep a full team of beach lifeguards in action all day.......
 further inland can be found the most haunted property in Cornwall at Pengerisck Castle.....
 not far from which is an abundant supply of sweet chestnuts ready for the hot coal treatment......
 so that's where PZ 2 has been hiding.

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