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Tuesday 25 February 2020

How warming waters and an absence of cod could leave the British fishing industry high and dry after Brexit

If the cod are leaving and the hake are moving in, the political calculation around fishing waters may change

As the UK government negotiates a post-Brexit trade deal with the EU, fishing remains one of the more politically charged areas.

In 1983, when member states finally signed the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), seven years of negotiations had preceded it, and yet, this time round, an agreement is expected to be completed in a matter of months. The UK is set to become an "independent coastal state", as the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea puts it, by 2020.

The CFP has undergone two reformations - in 1992 and in 2002 - so as to better reflect changing fishing patterns and stocks, but Europe's waters are still largely governed by the original framework.

Simply put, while catch allowances change annually as dictated by scientific advice on fish stocks, the percentage each nation is allocated remains the same, all thanks to "relative stability".

Unsurprisingly, fishers in the likes of France and Spain want to keep their percentages and would likely close their markets to Britons if the figures agreed fall short of their demands.

But British fishers have been promised more.

It is a complicated situation already, but then we also have climate change to contend with. Not only do fishers want higher quota, but there is also increasing evidence to suggest Europe's waters are warming, and its fish are on the move.

How is the UK supposed to argue the case for greater catch allowances for fish that might not be in British waters in 30 years? And how should Europe respond when its traditional fish, its favourite dinner time staples, are moving north, to seas uncharted?

This issue is most easily recognised in cod and hake, two fairly similar white fish.

Relative instability

For decades, cod has been the British choice - flaky, tender and served in golden batter, it is a national pin-up and a Friday night icon.

Hake, meanwhile, is dished up in France and Spain regularly, and is so popular in the latter it is even cooked at Christmas as a main event.

A new report says cod might yet be forced out of British waters by as early as 2050. Hake is arriving. Let's hope it's welcome.

The Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership (MCCIP), backed by the government, has assessed how fish will respond to warming seas. The analysis, first reported by The Telegraph, suggested British fishing communities may struggle to survive if they're unable to adapt to changing seas.

Cod is one of the species identified to move north - many fishers suggest it already is - while fish such as hake will move in. Again, reports say it already is. Catch nearly doubled from 2012 to 2016, according to Seafish figures.

"Hake is doing very well, it's booming, it's a success story" Andrew Clayton, who directs the charitable group Pew's Ending Overfishing in Northwestern Europe project, told i.

"But British boats have the quota to fish for cod - French and Spanish boats catch more hake. It's all down to historical rights, which were agreed in 1983. There were attempts to be fair.

"There is evidence to suggest stock patterns are changing. Readjustment to distribution might be needed; this is a political issue. It's historical fishing rights versus geography."

Trouble in the North Sea

There are British boats that fish for hake. One of the best-known is the Ajax, which lands in Newlyn, Cornwall, and supplies some of the top restaurants in the country. But they operate off the South West, where waters are warmer already.

Newlyn hake netter Ajax
More likely to be trouble is in the North Sea, where fishers from the east coast of England and from Scotland harvest, and where cod has long been the choice.

"By 2050 climate-driven changes in suitable available habitat could become a major constraint on some commercial species' distributions in the North Sea," the MCCIP report claimed.

Previous data revealed warming has been most pronounced to the north of Scotland and in the North Sea, where sea-surface temperature has increased by up to 0.24°C per decade, scientists say.

The report also predicted that UK seas will increase in temperature by up to 0.4°C per decade if emissions carry on unabated.

Samuel Stone, head of fisheries and aquaculture at the Marine Conservation Society, said to i: "It's clear things are changing and stocks are moving.

"It appears North Sea cod are moving north, but to what extent, and how quickly, we don't know. It's unclear."

Both Mr Clayton and Mr Stone said it is not only a matter of fish "moving north" that is the issue, but also fluctuating numbers and migratory routes. Juvenile fish may be spawning in new locations, for example, while adults might choose to breed in other areas. These complexities only serve to make legislation more difficult.

Decades-old agreements

"Populations are just as important," said Mr Stone. "Fish are found in different areas now, it's not just a case of north and south.

"This might be associated with climate change. More work is needed to understand what's happening. Allocations were decided decades ago, so political decisions need to be made to reflect what's going on now. We must respond to changes."

Of course all of this will probably have an economic slight on fishers - if a Brexit deal isn't made, British fleets could suffer. Especially if the relative stability model isn't updated.

"There are economic problems," Griffin Carpenter, from the New Economic Foundation, said to i.

"A lot of British fleets will have to travel farther to catch their fish, which means more days at sea, increasing crew and fuel costs."

And British fishers might only be willing to travel so far.

Politics vs science

"I have heard warming waters are bringing in new species, which British fishers haven't caught traditionally.

"This is about tension between politics and science. We have a static political system and a dynamic ecosystem.

"Allowances need to be changed, but it took seven years to negotiation the CFP the first time round - we only have a few months to agree Brexit."

The report didn't only mention cod and hake. Warming waters could see a greater presence of sardines and sole - no bad thing, necessarily - while shellfish production could falter - which is less appealing and disruptive to the status quo.

There's also what fish feed on to consider. Sandeels are also at risk, the report said, which are a major source of food for cod.

Mackerel is another potential hazard because it is said to be moving increasingly into Icelandic waters, which means Icelanders have been emboldened to claim more of the fish for themselves.

i has contacted the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

By Josh Barrie for the inews.co.uk
Monday, 24th February 2020, 4:42 pm

Monday 24 February 2020

'Gentleman' Jim Nixon 1950-2020

You don't happen to acquire the sobriquet, 'Gentleman Jim' for no good reason - Jim Nixon acquired that nickname as a mark of respect from fellow fishermen and others in the industry with whom he came into contact...

After fishing from Brixham and Plymouth Jim (middle) talking to Peter Neil (left) sailed with Newlyn longline skipper, Robert George (right) in the summer of 1978 to learn the ropes aboard the Scarlet Thread...

but they must have had one hell of a season because Jim went on to buy the boat the following year from Robert who then took command of the newly built seiner, Dew-Genen-Ny - both men putting their faith in seine netting as the preferred fishing method of the future...

mate aboard the Scarlet with Jim was Pete Bromley (now Plymouth Harbourmaster) the two of them seen here inspecting the exhaust...

of the Scarlet Thread, Jim continued to seine net and trawl from Newlyn in the 80s and early 90s until returning to commercial diving which took him all over the UK and well beyond on a wide range of jobs.  

One of the genuine good guys.

Jim Nixon passed away on Wednesday 5th February 2020 peacefully at home aged 69 years. Father of Katie, Kalim, Alexander and Justine and grandfather of Liam, Kaelyn, Henry and Alfie. The funeral service is at Treswithian Downs Crematorium on Monday 24th February at noon.

Spanish flag boat, Monte Mazanteu FD521 lands nearly 500 boxes of fish - but not one on Monday morning's market in Newlyn!

The ring netter Mayflower was the first boat to test the weather in the bay last night

 for shot of late season sardines...

while a few handliners also managed to land a few boxes of mackerel...

the netter Silver Dawn...

 landed top quality pollack...

the beam trawler Resurgam landed the usual beam trawl mix of fish like plaice...

and Dover sole...

as did the James RH...

at least the local fish shops will have fresh supplies to start the week...

though there won't be many of these JDs on their slabs...

big gurnards made excellent money...

and there are still shots of cuttles to be had working off the Devon coast...

both auctions were in full swing this morning...

with big smiles from one auctioneer in particular, young Ryan all smiles and in full flow...

there were a few big turbot...

and monk heads are now saved by the beam trawlers for bait...

while down the end of the Mary Williams pier the Fleetwood registered Spanish flag of convenience boat, Monte Mazanteu

which has been fishing over 100 miles south west of Newlyn in deep water on the edge of the Continental Shelf...

made ready to land to the back of a Spanish lorry...

under watchful eyes of the local MMO crew...

nearly 500 boxes...

of mainly monk fish...

that's around 17 tons of prime fish...

with no economic net benefit to the UK...

  other than payment of landing dues to the harbour...

all lit up, the Govenek of Ladram is taking advantage of the appalling weather to get the hull anti-fouled and overhauled while she is up on the slip.

Sunday 23 February 2020

One of our buoys is missing.

Weather data that records temperature, wave height, wind speed and direction etc is constantly transmitted from an array of buoys that surround the UK to help confirm forecast accuracy...

but despite the love shown, buoy 62039 would appear to have parted its anchor...

Buoy 62029 station large red triangle
and drifted a considerable distance from its intended station...

skipper Tristan and netting fleet owner Anthony finish up sorting nets from...

the netter Silver Dawn after landing 11 tons of fish and an 8 hour beam-on steam in poor weather...

despite a growth in the home consumption much of the fish landed in Newlyn is still exported to the EU, this lorry is bound for Spain...

warps are regularly replaced on the trawl fleet...

Mount view...

looks like the Sara Shaun is high and dry at low water...

with an ver-changing display of contemporary art, Coddiwomple, the latest gallery to open its doors in Newlyn.

Friday 21 February 2020

Almost fishless #FishyFriday.

By 6:30pm there's not a single box of fish in the second grader chill room......

or left in the inshore fridge...

whichever end you look from - two local inshore boats landed a mix of mackerel and pollack, tope, whiting and herring this morning - you can see an up-to-date spreadsheet of what fish has been landed at Newlyn here...

meanwhile, the netters Ocean Pride and Joy of Ladram are about to make their way out to sea through the gaps.

Can you help fund Falmouth Uni Film School film?

Project image for Pyskador - Short Film

Pyskador, Cornish for fisherman, is an ambitious graduate project by 3rd year Film students of Falmouth University. We are working in collaboration with Music and Marine Natural History Photography students. The short film set in Cornwall is a dark psychological horror-thriller that will be both visually and audibly a highly exciting piece of work.

The Story

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." - Albert Einstein

When a fisherman kills his wife he finds himself in a world of reoccurring horror. He is no longer sure what is illusion and what reality.

Story Background

So the story of man runs in a dreary circle, because he is not yet master of the earth that holds him.” ― Will Durant

Pyskador abstractly comments on socio - political issues related to Brexit. It metaphorically portrays the problematic relationship between small scale fishermen in the UK, the European Union and the English fishing industry.

Why we need your Help

The film will be shot on two different locations which were chosen with deep consideration towards the story of the film. An abandoned Caravan located in the very North of Cornwall and a Fishing boat in the South of Cornwall. Even though the distance between both locations is quite far from each other, we are convinced they are the most suitable. However, this means that logistics are an important part in our Budget. As the skipper who will take us out on his boat will loose his daily catch of fish he is living of, we will also have to refund his concession.

A very important part in our budget is to make sure every crew member is healthy and safe during the shoot. Therefore, we are working with a lifeguard and the coast guard and provide other necessary safety measurements.

As Pyskador is a very expressive story with little to no dialogue, we are extremely excited to work together with two professional actors which fit the roles perfectly. This will be the biggest and most important part of our budget.

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Groupement les Mousquetaires is closely following the negotiations on fishing in British waters

Yet more evidence in the French media as to the potential impact Brexit negotiations will have on their industry:

Given that around 70% of the Scapêche catches are made in British waters, the sea sector of the Groupement les Mousquetaires is closely following the negotiations on fishing with the United Kingdom. What activities will be affected by the next decisions?

Focus on the activities of the sea sector:

According to Sylvain Pruvost, President of Scapêche, the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union will certainly influence the sea sector of the Musketeers. This is why the industry has been on the alert since the end of January regarding the decisions that will be taken in the context of Brexit.

La Scapêche represents the first fresh fishing owner in France with 16,000 tonnes of fish per year. La Scapêche has 23 ships, 250 sailors and officers, and 50 employees ashore.

Image result for newlyn gaps alya
Scapeche artisanal trawler Alya, visiting Newlyn 

Co-owner of 7 artisanal trawlers, it participates in the presence of the French flag on French and European waters. Thanks to it, Agromousquetaires has a direct supply of marine products.

As for Captain Houat's teams, representing 650 people (Boulogne-sur-Mer and Lanester), they prepare and process 22,000 tonnes of fresh fish, shrimp, shellfish and crustaceans each year.

The two Captain Cook units (Finistère) will be less directly influenced by Brexit.

Thanks to the distribution bases (Lorient, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Bordeaux-Bègles and Frontignan), fish and seafood products are displayed in the tide departments of 1,800 Intermarché stores and 300 Netto France. These bases ensure the control, management, traceability and delivery of approximately 36,500 tonnes per year of marine products.