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Monday 8 August 2011

Radio 4 featured reduction of discards in the South West beam trawl fishery.

Listen again to the BBC R4 PM programme as Eddie Mair presents this evening and hear work being done to reduce discards in South West Beam Trawl fishery.

Sales at Sainsbury's wet fish counters does well for prime Cornish fish.

Since the HFW campaign to switch from popular fish species bought at wet fish counters throughout the UK,  Sainsburys has seen a marked shift in consumer buying habits. In particular, two species - hake and megrim sole - two of the highest tonnage in landings on Newlyn market for many years - have helped push sales of fish to existing and a growing number of new customers. Hopefully, the trend to buy hake will continue as the price for this top quality fish is very competitive.

Fight the good fight with Hugh.

Six months ago, Hugh Fearnley-Whittngstall left the comfort of River Cottage behind, and went on a journey to find out what was really going on at the industrial end of our fisheries. What he found was that things are not just bad ... They’re mad. Half the fish caught in the North Sea are being thrown back into the sea, dead, because of crazy EU laws.

HUGH’S FISH FIGHT: THE BATTLE CONTINUES will be broadcast on Channel 4 at 9pm on Monday August 8th.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Pu the sun in Sunday.

 Nightmare on Chapel Street.......
 fresh breeze across the Bay.......
in shade.

Saturday 6 August 2011

Monk in butter beans flavoured with chorizo served with home grown spuds.

 Gently fry the onion and a couple of shallots......
 add a diced carrot and cooking chorizo.......
 add a tin of butter beans after sweating out the oil form the chorizo......
 which gives the dish its warm colour - add flat leaf parsley at the end - add the juice form the beans and warm through......
 quick dig in the spud tub......
 along with a few dwarf beans.......
from ye olde harbour box garden (it's a broken one Andrew:-))........
 season the monk chunks with EV olly oil, salt and pepper to taste and brwon on one side before putting in a hot oven to finish......
serve with some crusty dipping bread.

Landing day.

 There's a chance to see work by Simeon Stafford down Chapel Street in Penzance.......
 the old doctor's surgery is available to let, everything you need within 100 yards of your front door call 01736 363841or 07977 058937........
 Phil Wilkins is now operating from his office in St Just so his old place on the corner in Newlyn is up for sale.........
 a reminder from Debbie in the Star that it's time to build those rafts for the Newlyn Raft Race......
 maybe someone knows something.......
 wooden sheaves in this old block just trawled up from the depths.....
 along with the anchor......
 first of the tide's hake going ashore......
 an example of the local shellfish that abound in te harbour.......
 who said Nigel isn't a caring sort of skipper?........
 back t' work..........
 as a good run of fish come ashore from the Lisa Jacqueline........
 ready to go down to the fridge.......
 visiting ring netter, Silver Star.......
 all set for her first trip with her old skipper under new management, the latest in the growing Pascoe fleet......
the Britannia V looks every inch the classic fishing boat finished in varnish.

Proper Job wins CAMRA best in Britain award!

It's a Proper Job - brewing beer using vats well over 100 years old.
St Austell Ales' Proper Job has won this year's top bottled beer prize at the Great British Beer Festival at Earl's Court, London - another Cornish First!  Don't miss the superb tour of the St Austell Ales' Museum and Brewery if you get the chance - always worth combining that with a visit to the nearby Eden Project.