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Monday 4 November 2019

Lorient. Sailor-fisherman ... a job to win back

Plenty on offer at this year's fishermen's trade fair ITECHMER 2019 opening on Wednesday, October 16, 2019 in Lorient. 

Of the many presentations taking place over the three days is one on recruitment to the industry:

The Brexit will hover over the course Itechmer lounge, whose 13th edition opened this Wednesday in Lorient. The unmissable meeting of the fishing industry in France has a round table on the subject, Thursday at 10:30 am. But Itchmer is also the showcase of innovation in the fishing sector. From trawling to our plate, the sector is responsible and sustainable.

"salary is not everything"

Good practices, on board ship and on the ground, have been improving for years. All good for the resource. All good for the image of the sector to the consumer. Except that today, Brexit or not, "the endangered species, it is not the fish but the sailor-fisherman" , testifies a Lorient shipowner.

"In Brittany, we will lose 500 sailors in five years. A true hole of air " , regularly reminds Olivier Le Nézet, president of the Breton fisheries committee. 500 is 10% of the total number of fishermen in Brittany. The stakes are crucial.

Retirements are no longer compensated. "We do not train enough sailors , explains Jean Piel, of the fisheries committee of Morbihan. Only 63 young people had their baccalaureate in France last year. It's very weak. " And if the passion is not pegged to the body, many of them quickly abandon the trade.

How to attract young people to the fishing profession?

Yet you can make a good living fishing. € 2,500 per month for a trawler seaman, on average. Which 18-year-old earns as much? "If we report the salary to the number of hours spent at sea ... , counters Jean Piel. Above all, there is a societal evolution. The job remains difficult, many boats are old and much less comfortable than the new ones. Good wages are no longer no longer a sufficient argument. Young people prefer to earn less but have more time off."

Hence the idea that makes its way: increase the crew of one or two sailors, and rotate. The rest on the ground come back more often. Some trawlers practice it in Lorient. The Brittany Fisheries Committee is working hard on this. To convince shipowners ... and sailors. Because one more part to pay, it would be a little less on the part of each.

A programme of events alongside the ITECHMER tradeshow will be organised for the 2019 edition with conferences and debates concerning topical issues in the fishing sector. These conferences and round tables will be an opportunity to discuss topical issues and deal with problems in the fishing sector on a European and worldwide scale. Issues with multiple stakes will be discussed with stakeholders and decision-makers from the sector providing their insight on the themes discussed.

Discover the programme for ITECHMER 2019 and the names of the first speakers at the various workshops and round tables.

This programme has been prepared by the Itechmer organisation committee and a group of experts including representatives from the Association des Directeurs et Responsables des Halles A Marée de France, the Union du Mareyage Français, the Region of Brittany, the Comité Régional des Pêches Maritimes et des Élevages Marins de Bretagne, the producers’ organisation Les Pêcheurs de Bretagne, the industrial cluster Bretagne Pôle Naval, the Interprofession du Port de Lorient and the technical centre IDmer.

Numerous economic and institutional stakeholders in the sector have also played a part in drawing up the programme: Comité National des Pêches et des Élevages Marins, the Groupement des Industries de Construction et Activités Navales, the Cluster Maritime Français, France Agrimer, La Coopération Maritime, the Association Nationale des Organisations de Producteurs, the Institut Maritime de Prévention, the Crédit Maritime Grand Ouest, Bretagne Pôle Naval, Women in Seafood, Villes Atlantiques, Pêche et Développement.

Salon Itechmer , from October 16th to 18th, exhibition center of Lorient Bretagne Sud, 243 exhibitors, 7,500 visitors expected. 

 DE 09H30 À 13H00

Meeting of CC-Sud – WG VIII and XI

 Meeting  salle Kergroise
 DE 10H15 À 11H15

The privatization of the seas: what are the stakes for fishing?

 Conference  Espace Keroman
 DE 10H30 À 11H30

Towards a new strategy in the construction of fishing boats

 Workshop  Salle Lorient Bretagne Sud
 DE 11H30 À 12H30

Naval Propulsion in the Past, Present and Future

 Workshop  Espace Keroman
 DE 11H30 À 13H00

What Renewal Plan for overseas fleets

 Workshop  Salle Région Bretagne
 DE 13H30 À 14H30

Fisheries and aquaculture sectors in the Sultanate of Oman

 Conference  Salle Lorient Bretagne Sud
 DE 14H30 À 17H00

Meeting of the CC-Sud – WG traditional fishing grounds

 Meeting  Salle Kergroise
 DE 14H30 À 17H00

Business pro new methods of propulsion

 Meeting  Espace Keroman
 DE 15H30 À 16H30

Meeting of PIG Pêche de Bretagne

 Meeting  salle Perrière
 DE 14H00 À 15H30

What Future for Women in Fishing?

 Workshop  Salle Région Bretagne
 DE 15H30 À 17H00

Innovate to Attract New Generations

 Workshop  Salle Lorient Bretagne Sud
 DE 14H00 À 15H30

AGM of the Association of Directors and Managers of Fish Markets in France

 Meeting  Espace Keroman
 DE 09H30 À 13H00

Meeting of the CC-Sud WG pelagic fisheries

 Meeting  Salle Kergroise
 DE 10H30 À 12H00

Preventing Chemical Risks on Ships

 Conference  Salle Lorient Bretagne Sud
 DE 10H30 À 12H30

What Happens after Brexit?

 Workshop  Salle Région Bretagne
 DE 14H30 À 15H30

Consume Better, Consume Less; Good for the Planet and the Sector

 Workshop  Salle Lorient Bretagne Sud
 DE 14H30 À 16H00

End of Discards at Sea: Implementation of the Landing Obligation

 Workshop  Salle Région Bretagne
 DE 16H00 À 17H30

Reducing marine plastic waste, especially those in the fisheries sector

 Workshop  Salle Lorient Bretagne Sud
 DE 16H30 À 18H00

Challenges for Breton Fishing by 2040

 Conference  Salle Région Bretagne
 DE 10H00 À 16H00

Blue Day Sustainable Fishing and Innovation

 Salle Région Bretagne
 DE 10H30 À 12H30

Steering Committee of project CONNECT (Creation of a software for the optimization of friction of trawl nets)

 Meeting  Salle Perrière
 DE 09H30 À 17H30

Board of CNPMEM

 Salle Kergroise
 DE 11H00 À 12H00

Optimising the conservation of fish shelf

 Workshop  Salle Lorient Bretagne Sud
 DE 11H00 À 12H00

A digital revolution in fishing. Part 2 : in downstream industry

 Workshop  Salle Région Bretagne
 DE 10H00 À 11H00

A digital revolution in fishing. Part 1: for observation and communication at sea

 Workshop  Salle Région Bretagne
 DE 14H00 À 16H00

Une pêche sélective : l’apport du numérique et de nouvelles technologies Sélectivité, survie, nouvelles technologies

 Workshop  Salle Région Bretagneion Bretagne
 DE 14H00 À 16H00

Health and Safety in Fish Workshops

 Meeting  Salle Perrière
 DE 14H30 À 15H30

Financing of Fishing and Shipbuilding Industries (workshop)

The House of Lord's follow-up response to the implementation of the Landing Obligation.

Today sees the publishing of the Lord's follow-up response to the implementation of the Landing Obligation.

Report published

Despite the long lead-in time, when the Committee examined the issue in November and December 2018 they found little evidence of the landing obligation being followed to date and an almost unanimous view that the UK was not ready for full implementation.
Without being able to discard fish, fishers may reach their quotas much earlier in the year – particularly in 'mixed fisheries' where it will be hard to avoid catching a species for which there may be a very low quota. The Committee heard that fishers could hit their quota for some species in some areas within a few weeks of the landing obligation coming into force, forcing them to choose between not fishing for the rest of the year (which would have serious financial implications for them) and breaking the law by continuing to fish for other species and discarding anything caught over quota.
All Implementation and enforcement of the EU landing obligation Publications

Monday morning blues.

Newlyn at first light with dark clouds scudding from behind Paul Hill...

most of the crabbing and netting fleet will look to get away today...

the lights are already on in award winning marine artist Tim Hall's studio...

always good to see lifeboats in berth...

looking towards St Michael's Mount heavy clouds fill the sky over the bay...

as Barry heads back in after an early start.

Sunday 3 November 2019

Safe evacuation of a fisherman from Guilvinec, at sea, 250 km from the coast.

The weather may well have played a role in the evacuation of a crew member from the French fishing vessel Alya that is currently fishing on the edge of the Continental Shelf west of Brittany.

The sailor from Guilvinec is now in hospital at the Cavale-Blanche in Brest (Finistère). He was  at sea, this Sunday, November 3, 2019 late morning, 250 km off the tip of Brittany.
A doctor at the centre of medical consultation maritime, based in Toulouse, warned the Cross Corsen (in the north-west of Brest) of the necessity to evacuate the sailor.

The man is part of the crew of five sailors aboard the Alya, a trawler 25 m of the company Scapêche, which belongs to the group of Musketeers.

He seems to be suffering from internal bleeding. His boat is more than 140 nautical miles (about 250 kilometers) west of the tip of Brittany. This forced the authorities to send the NH90 helicopter from the Lanvéoc base for evacuation and a small Faclon 50 aircraft (based at Lann Bihoué) to ensure inter alia communication between all parties involved. the sea is very difficult: the wind blows at 7 Beaufort (between 50 and 60 km / h), there is a heavy sea and the cloud ceiling is low with heavy rain.

The rescuers airlifted the patient aboard the helicopter at 11 h 08. He is  now being taken care of by staff at the Hospital of La Cavale-Blanche.

Story courtesy of L'Ouest France and the photo Maritime National