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Thursday, 13 February 2025

Take the FMP Programme Evaluation Survey


Fishing Industry stakeholders are being invited to take part in the following voluntary survey about Fisheries Management Plans (FMPs).

An FMP is a document that will set out policies and measures to manage fishing activity. FMPs are evidence-based action plans, designed collaboratively with stakeholders. For the UK, the plans will help to deliver the fisheries objectives set out in the Fisheries Act 2020.

This survey is open to the following stakeholders who have a stake in English sea fisheries:

  • Recreational anglers
  • Commercial/recreational fishing associations/organisations
  • Retail/ trade organisations
  • Environment non-governmental organisations
  • Academia

Commercial fishers can respond to these questions through the Fishing Industry Social Survey which will launch shortly.

The survey will explore your views on the approach used to develop the FMPs and the impact you feel FMPs may have. Your responses will help to provide understanding of what has worked well and less well, and will help generate lessons to inform how FMPs are developed and implemented in the future.

Completing the survey will take between 5 and 15 minutes. Before completing the survey, please read this Information Note explaining why the survey is being conducted, what participation will involve, and providing a privacy notice regarding data protection and points of contact to address any doubts or complaints you may have. Please take the time to read it carefully.

The survey is being conducted by ICF which is an independent research consultancy, in partnership with the Countryside and Community Research Institute (CCRI) and Howell Marine Consulting (HMC), on behalf of Defra. If you have any queries please contact us at: FMPEvaluation@icf.com.