A dull start to the day with 40mph. winds and heavy rain forecast later, so much for Flaming June!..
there's a bevvy of boats having maintenance or MCA work on the hard...
many of the visiting Scottish prawn boats land head-on monk...
along with plenty of haddock...
more monk...
and John Dory...
no telling which kind of boats these ray came from...
good to see the Katy B taking part in the pollack survey...
koi carp like red mullet...
and two types of bream...
a good selection of tagged bass...
and some hard-won mackerel...
the visiting boats keep coming, the BM registered, Elizabeth of Ladram
and scalloper...
Lass O'Doune
prawner Jacqueline Anne will sail on the tide...
a quiet time for the crabbers...
and a short break for the inshore trawl boats...
while it is landing time for the netter, Govenek of Ladram...
interesting set of doors for a local inshore boat...