The MMO is reaching out to all under 10m vessel industry members to make them aware of the ‘Regional Fisheries Group’ team within the Marine Management Organisation.
Regional Fisheries Groups (RFGs) are a way for the fishing industry to come together to share their views with organisations such as the MMO, DEFRA, Cefas, and IFCA. These groups exist to give local fishers a chance to be part of the decision-making process for managing fisheries and share their expertise. There are five RFGs in total: North East 4b, North West 7a, South East 4c, South 7d, and South West 7efg.
We want to build stronger working relationships between people who regulate the industry and the fishing community. By doing so, everyone involved in fisheries management can have a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by the fishing industry regionally. We hold formal meetings for each region up to 3 times per year and visit ports and fishing locations in person to have one-to-one conversations with fishers. Our team is available during the working hours of 9am-5pm Monday to Friday to answer any calls, texts, or emails.
You can find out more information about the RFG’s, including our newsletters and notes from previous meetings, on our webpage: Regional Fisheries Groups - GOV.UK (
If you are not interested in the Regional Fisheries Groups and would like to opt out of any further information, please contact the team at: