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Friday 24 November 2023

The final FishyFriday but one for November in Newlyn.

Not a bad start to the day as the Britannia V is all set to land the last hake trip of the tide to the market...

which saw bass landed from boats fishing with a range f gear...

some cracking beam trawl turbot...

and plenty of big white fish from a couple of netters...

like these superb pollack from the Celtic Dawn, their golden scales shining under the market lights...

a good run of gurnard from the beam trawler St Georges...

a single bonito tuna from the Silver Dawn...

and a good end f season Dory collection from the Chaulde Henry...

monk tails don't come much fresher than these...

more shiny hake from the netter, Silver Dawn...

the spots are a giveaway on these beauties...

monk tails galore form the big beam trawler...

no doubt these fabulous reds will be London bound later today...

packed in ice and ready to go...

three line caught bluefin tuna...

averaging over 100kg...

were landed yesterday...

treat yourself to a little Friday morning maths exercise, by reversing the formulae you can get an approximate length for each of the fish...

much smaller cousin of bluefin, the mighty mackerel...

and more bass...

almost as cold inside as out...

there are no guarantees with fishing, Tom brings back the Charlotte Clare with empty tanks...

after setting sail at 4am this morning.