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Monday 10 July 2023

Saturday to Monday morning in Newlyn.

Saturday morning and the Swordfish is open for breakfast again with mein host Jo holding court...

Border Force, keeping an eye on things around the coast...

the boys on the Silver Dawn take off tiers of nets to be overhauled and mended, the easy way...

fast forward to Monday morning and the sun seems to have deserted us again...

despite the weather the market was almost devoid of fish this morning...

the inshore trawler, Guardian was the biggest boat to put any fish ashore...

though the big news of the day was that at long last there are mackerel being landed in summer quantities...

a little ray of sunshine you might say...

to go with this unusual and rare spotted ray...


and bass made up the best part of the inshore boats' landings...

while Tom kept the local shops happy with a few megrims...

and monk tails...

you'd think he'd never retired wouldn't you?, young Roger helping the singlehanded punts to land their mackerel...

speedily taken into the chillroom for grading and weighing ready for tomorrow's auction......

there's always someone who can't resist leaving their mark in wet concrete...

it takes two tankers to fuel the Julie of Ladram...

paint job nearly completed...

now you see them, not for much longer...

two coasters at anchor in the Bay.