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Friday 17 March 2023

#FishyFriday in Newlyn

These insulated tubs are now waiting for the next sardine season to start, which will be some time in July and well into the time to get the BBQs on!..

plenty of post lined up on the qauy with the port's biggest crab fleet all in port, albeit briefly...

on the market the netters Ajax and Ygraine landed hake trips...

along with a few boxes of biug white fish liike these ling...

while the Spited Lady III was the only trawler to put a trip ashore with fish like haddock...

and good examples of grey and red gurnard...

while the Celtic Dawn's whitefoish included pollack...

fish like these dogfish go for pot bait...

while whiting make for grewwat fish and chip suppers...

sweet, succu;lent cuttlefish make a great alternative to squid...

with just a handful of small boats att sea some manged to pick up a ffew grey mullet with its big flaky flesh...

many hands make light work it seems...

to help get keep George happy back in his base at Port Isaac...

the ebver-hungry residernt harbour seal who was spotted with a friend the other morning...

plansd are in hand to return the Old harbour to working order and help develop it's place as a heritage  harbour and base for luggers and other historic activities - more news soon!