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Monday 6 February 2023

Cold but clear start to the week in Newlyn and plenty of fish!

Cracking start to the week in Newlyn...

with a good mix of inshore trawl fish...

 like these ray from the Guardian...

and net fish with black bream...

and plenty of hake from the Ygraine...

the supply of tub gurnards is keeping those fish shops in the know well supplied with these excellent eating fish...

superb whiting don't get better than these...

or these net caught haddock...

these days with Dover sole ver more prolific on the grounds even the gillnetters working 120mm mesh catch them in numbers...

and more tubs...

filling the inshore fridge there were plentiful supplies...

 of mackerel...

and a scattering of herring...

while the Enterprise landed around 100 boxes of soles...

and other top drawer fish like these red mullet...

this time of year sees a steady stream of visiting boats like the Constant Friend from Brixham...

and the Admiral Gordon from Plymouth...

enjoying a cold but clear start to the day...

all captured in the short time-lapse.