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Newlyn weeders needed!

Breathing New Life into Newlyn’s Old Harbour The first stage of restoring Newlyn’s historic Old Harbour has been successfully completed, wi...

Friday, 6 January 2023

First #FishyFriday for 2023!

When the morning view from your office is as good as this...

 who couldn't resist the temptation to record the scene?..

Top turbot from the beam trawler Cornishman will be winging their way towards the top dining tables of the UK within minutes of being sold...

fish or plant?..

John Dory haver a mouth to match their flavour, big...

there's few saithe from the gillnetters to land this morning...

along with good shoots of new year hake...

and some solid tails...

more hake from the other half of the duo, Silver Dawn...

bass seem to be everywhere as they were landed by netters, handlinerss and beam trawlers alike...

plenty of the mighty flavoured haddock...

and more bass...

bog [plaice will be on the menu somehwhe this evening for sure...

as will fresh mackerel...

at 8kg, the biggest octo of the year, so far...

and a specimen sized undulate ray...

the mighty conger, base for many a fish stew recipe...

the market floor shows signs of the tons of cuttles that were landed overnight...

and there is now much more bait like these monk heads for the crabbers...

wonderful fish and flavour from the weaver...

as is the brilliant brill... 

and an ongoing brilliant morning view to boot!