Friday, 28 February 2020
Final February #FishyFriday in Newlyn
With no sign of a let up in the weather, which has restricted landings for the entire month of February, this week has seen trips cut short...
though the mix of fish landed has been as varied as ever, superb tub gurnard just one example...
while some of the hardier mackerel men ventured forth yet again yesterday to put good shots of these fine fish on the market...
while the beam trawlers stuck to their standard fare of Dover sole...
monk tails...
of all sizes...
and those large monk heads - though they still have cheeks!..
red mullet...
John Dory...
and the onmi-present pout...
and ray...
name this large whitefish...
and these flats...
a few handline cod...
while the Falmouth registered Ocean Pride FH24 is taking advantage of the big tide for work below the waterline up on the slip...
most of the fleet including the big beam trawlers are now tied up for the weekend...
while the ring netters get to grips with overhauling their nets as the season draws to a close for them.