Friday, 17 May 2019
Chef Galton Blackiston is in Newlyn making it a very #FishyFriday in the best fish town in the west!
When ling get hauled from the depths they can become goggle-eyed...
plenty of MSC Certified hake on the market this morning from boats like the Charisma...
which also landed some early season turbot - a fish for which there is almost no scientific stock assessment data...
unlike thornback rays...
as ever, there are always those omni-present handful of cod...
yet more 'butt' from the big netter...
along with a handful of Dory and Dovers...
and some mighty meaty looking monk tails...
the unmistakable spots of the plaice...
and, wherever the boats fish now, there are haddock on the grounds...
harbourmaster Rob Parsons gets filmed being quizzed by TV chef Galton Blackiston who will be cooking some of Newlyn's finest fresh fish down the Mary Williams pier later in the day...
both auctioneers in full swing sell the last of the morning's fish...
eagerly snapped up by the buyers...
looking to get more Cornish hake...
and turbot...
from the netters' trips...
someone will get the benefit of these delicious little parcels of monk cheeks...
normally the middle fridge is reserved for landings of handline caught mackerel - not that there any signs of Spring mackerel at the moment!..
luckily, some of the boats can turn to alternative fish like these trap-caught cuttles...
not a breath of wind this morning...
as the resident seal...
demonstrates how he deftly skins each fish before eating it...
seems to be a shift in the message...
work in progress...
a big name in fishing on the quay...
the beamer Algrie takes fuel...
spare combination warps on the Revival FR316...
big sterns on the netters...
fuel-up time...
for the Karen of Ladram...
there's still plenty to do aboard the beam trawler James RH before she gets her gear put back aboard...
there's a story behind the mis-shaped bow of this one...
it took a day to create and looks like it could be a week before this quay sculpture is completed.