Saturday, 2 February 2019
Enjoying the magical light in Newlyn on a Saturday morning.
Cold and cloudy start to the Saturday in Newlyn...
and it's the continuing wet weather that has slowed completion of the final touches to Phase II of the market refurbishment which sees the single loading bay still devoid of cement plaster over the blockwork which was finished weeks ago...
heading down the harbour, the netter Charisma heads...
to a berth at the fish market to land her catch of MSC Certified hake...
there are fair-weather sailors and the more hardy type...
Charisma set to land...
as another heavy shower passes by...
Newlyn patina...
the last of Stevenson's fleet tied up against the quay...
à la contré jour, continues to provide artists with suitable opportunities to capture the port in a variety of lighting conditions...
blues and browns...
work on deck on the James RH.