Monday, 10 September 2018
Sunday night, Monday morning in Newlyn.
It's Sunday evening and waiting for a berth at the iceworks...
the Vesta along with...
the Golden Harvest is about to embark on another night's sardine fishing...
as the latest crab boat to join the fleet...
lands her catch to the waiting vivier transport...
at 6am when the fish auction starts it is now pitch black outside...
and this morning's market is choc-a-block with some big landings of hake form the Govenek of Ladram...
and the Ajax...
and here's the man with the measure of things - Gary from Cefas records sample of certain species every morning for length and age...
today's landings include pollack...
lemon soles from the beam trawler Cornishman...
plenty of line caught mackerel...
and jigged squid...
while the beam trawler St Georges picked up a good shot of ray...
and a few scallops...
bigger fish included these cod...
John Dory and turbot...
the Ajax also put ashore a few spur dogs, easily recognised by their bright green eyes...
just a few of the three boxes of mackerel from John Boy handlining from his punt, Nik-Nak...
it takes a lot of mackerel to equal just a handful of bass, such is the difference in price per kilo...
Mr Smith steamed in with another good shot of line caught pollack..
much of the top quality beam trawl fish was auctioned in the second chill room of the market - boats and buyers alike will be keen to see the second phaser of the fish market refurbishment completed - in a few weeks apparently...
after a long night at sea...
the netter Asthore is landing her six tonnes of sardines...
getting the thumbs-up from young Aaron...
and his bessy...
a promising start to the day with some light in the sky...
finds the Lady of Avenel safely alongside the south pier - book a trip on this classic tall ship for a taste of a life long ago...
heading in to land with a shot of craws, (crayfish) or spiny lobster as they are sometimes known ...
most of the netting fleet are in Newlyn over the next few days waiting for the next neap tide to begin.