Wednesday, 28 February 2018
'Tiz a mere -3˚ here in Newlyn for the mid-week market
Tucked up in his heated cab the driver waits for the crew of the netter, Ocean Breeze to start landing their fish...
with boxes stashed everywhere on the market...
James' forklift, complete with it's regulation-meeting canvas cover is getting loaded with the morning's fish...
though many of the boxes from the beam trawler contained only one or two fish...
though the 400kg tubs of cuttlefish were full to the brim...
the buyers were keen to get the auction finished quickly as snow was forecast for later which only means total chaos in this part of the world when it becomes full of snowflakes - those with six sides as well as those with two legs...
plenty of the world's most nutritious fish on sale this morning...
along with some delightful Dovers...
big blondes...
not so cuddly cod...
miserable looking turbot...
and a few grumpy looking John Dory...
pink red mullet...
and a mezze of delights for Mousehole Fish's counter display...
40kg box? no probs for Mr Hosken...
pile on the pouts from the Resurgan...
as the boys on the Ocean Breeze get landing underway...
now the external walls of the market are taking shape...
as the boys grab the boxes of hake...
as they are hoisted aloft...
if these temperatures keep up it will certainly be...
first time visit for supply boat James...
you'd hardly think that the forecast is for snow, though the picture hardly tells you it's -3˚...
>£200K's worth of heavy goods waiting for the morning's fish...
cold enough to freeze the wheels...
off a brass statue this morning...
our man Tom keeping vigilant as ever...
they won't get too many visitors today if the snow arrives...
once the geothermal energy engineering is complete maybe people will be swimming in Jubilee pool all year round...
there's something missing at the PZ Gallery...
fresh out of the dry-dock, Scillonian III is all set for the summer season.