Monday, 12 February 2018
Monday morning on Newlyn fish market.
Several hundred boxes of MSC Certified Cornish hake...
graced Newlyn fish market this morning...
along with ling...
huge whiting...
and, unusually for a netter working 120mm mesh two boxes of stickers...
normally, big meshes catch bigger fish like these pollack much less the elusive Dover sole...
which are normally landed in quantity by the beam trawlers in the fleet like the...
Cornishman that landed a few John Dory...
and a pair of bream, one silver, one red...
along with a good selection of plaice...
a few boxes of lemons...
and even more Dover sole...
while the Algrie squeezed a few boxes of monk from a trip mainly of cuttles...
over the weekend a few of the handliners picked away on a half decent run of mackerel...
arriving after steaming through the night from 50 miles south of the Lizard...
the resplendently varnished hake netter, Britannia V hoists her cranning pole...
ready to land her fish under the light of a crescent moon...
her nets all stowed neatly aft in the net pounds...
always good to see the lifeboat, Ivan Ellen tied up in her berth...
missing, one buoy, well in this case a wave buoy...
that was picked up by the ring-netter Resolute while fishing for sardines overnight...
dawn has not yet arrived by the light of the silvery moon as the old song goes...
makes even the drabbest of stores vaguely charming.