Friday, 23 February 2018
February's final #FishyFriday in Newlyn
Early Thursday evening and the Cornish sardiner Pelagic Marksman makes her way to the fish market to land...
where the latest refurbishment work reveals a more aesthetic exterior taking shape with granite quoins being used to embellish the fishmarket doorways...
as the sun drops below Paul Hill at the back of the village boats like the Sapphire II...
and the Manx Ranger - currently rigged as a mini-beamer keep their deck lights on so that the crew can work on repairing the trawls...
for the first time in years, the Scilly supply vessel, Gry Maritha has taken a berth on the Stone Quay waiting for the tide to enter Penzance Harbour...
its only a few minutes before late-season sardines are coming ashore...
just landed, another shot of cuttles...
who's presence leaves an indelible mark on just about everything that comes into contact with them...
the #FishyFriday morning market is underway with a big shot of hake for the netter, Govenek of Ladram...
while the rest of the market floor is filled with food supplies of top quality inshore trawl fish like these cracking red mullet...
John Dory...
and ray wings from young Mr Nowell...
when you're not so tall, being chest high in hake is an occupational hazard on the market...
small inshore boats like the netter, Girl Pamela can get good shots of pollack ashore from the wrecks and high ground at this time of year as the spawning season gets underway...
while the trawler, Spirited Lady popped a few boxes of good quality brill...
and Dover sole ashore...
to go with the superb brill from the Sapphire II...
keeping both auctioneers working flat out to shift the fish this morning...
the Sapphire also landed these cracking tub gurnards...
and just a sample of inky cuttles...
and some good sized plaice...
in the fridge there were plenty more flats to bid on...
while the Nazarene picked up a few flats from their gear to go on sale...
and the Girl Pamela and Govenek both took the time at sea to cut out, save and land all the big big roes from their hauls whitefish...
good fishing with the inshore boats and with the temperature hovering just above freezing no chance of the ice turning to meltwater...
snapped up by eager buyers, a good number of punts from St Ives Bay put plenty of mackerel in the fridge overnight...
as was the bug trip of groundfish from the Imogen III...
just a few of the fish that exemplifies a typical trip from a South West beam trawler, Dover sole along with monk and megrim sole go to make up the bulk of any beam trawler trip outside the cuttlefish season...
with the windchill factored in it's safe to say it was warmer in than out on the market this morning...
as a strong easterly breeze dragged its way across the up the harbour...
strong enough to keep smaller boats like the visiting Spirited Lady tied up for the day...
so there won't be much action on her working deck today unless the boys have some chores to do mending the twin-trawls...
all set to put 7,000 litres of fuel aboard the boat.