You could be entitled to a Mullion Compact 150 Lifejacket with a personal locator beacon.
Fishing boat crews who live in Plymouth will be safer at sea, thanks to a project designed by Plymouth City Council with support from the local fishing industry.
Plymouth City Council has been awarded £77,000 from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and the Maritime Management Organisation for the scheme to help reduce loss of life and accidents within the local fishing industry.
The life-saving equipment with in-built locator beacons has now been ordered as part of the two-year project which aims to encourage behaviour change through training and new equipment. Delivery is expected in November and December and then MarineCo will make arrangements to distribute the life Jackets to those eligible fishermen.
The project, which has been designed with input from fishermen’s representatives, SEAFISH and the emergency services, hopes to reduce the number of fishermen’s lives lost at sea.
Last September, following a Motion on Notice at Full Council, the Council applied to the Marine Management Organisation for funding through the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund to fund the purchase of ‘personal flotation devices’ equipped with personal locator beacons.
The project includes training, personal fitting and training carried out by a supplier with a unique understanding of the fishing industry, fishing grounds and the operations of emergency services.
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