Check out this unique tool developed by Graham Murt whose brother, Johnny is a shellfisherman from Padstow in Cornwall. The daily drudge of filling out both IFCA and MMO catch returns has now been reduced to almost zero - a few minutes on your mobile (iPhone or Android) and your catch returns are completed and sent off for the record books - keeping everyone happy. The app is not free - but when you see the price you will know it is a bargain - it will save you time, grief and aggravation - what price that!
This is a fantastic example of citizen science at its best - one man's problem solved by another - it just so happens they are brothers!
Here's how it Works
Here we’ll give you a run through of the various features/screens within the app and give a brief description of how they work in order to give you a better idea as to how the app works.
Shellfish Returns Screen

This is the main screen you see when launching the app and allows you to view all of your returns and add new returns at the touch of a button.
Monthly Return

On the monthly view, you get an overview of which days you’ve fished. Clicking on a single day takes you to the Daily Catch screen and allows you to record the shellfish you caught.
Daily Catch Screen

On this screen you can record which species you caught for the day including the area fished, gear set and hauled. Potting, Netting, Scalloping and Trawling are all available as fishing methods on this screen.
Area Selection

No more time spent interpreting maps to work out the area code, simply tap on the map with your finger and the area code will be calculated for you.
Preview/Submit Screen

At the end of the month, you can preview your shellfish returns and submit them to the authorities in a matter of seconds.
IFCA/MMO Returns

Here you can see an example of a shellfish return form which the app generated and sent via email to the MMO.
If you need to, get more information or contact the app developer direct - remember this was developed for fishermen by someone who knows fishing!