Friday, 6 January 2017
First fish-laden #FishyFriday of 2017 in Newlyn.
Two beam trawlers, three inshore trawlers a big netter and a handful of inshore boats made sure there were plenty of top quality fish on the market this morning...
including a good run of monk tails form the netter New Harmony...
a big shot, for a beam trawler, of haddock from the Aglrie which even from the days when Del Puckey was skipper has always fished well for the firm....
just the one interloper from Pud land...
a huge trip of megrims..
in a big trip from the Sapphire II...
which included some winter red mullet...
a handful of scallops...
and some very red spotted plaice...
top fish of the day were a handful of bream in stonking condition - with that SW3-bound air about them...
along with a smattering of JDs from the Harvest Reaper...
the Joy of Ladram landed a big trip of hake along with these coley...
and haddock...
with the temperature due to hit a balmy 9˚ later today the buyers were keen to get through the fish...
cuttles were in short supply...
more of the pick of the day...
unlike fishing for the handliners in Mount's Bay, it seems there are plenty of mackerel on the north coast for the St Ives boats...
the expensive part of any trip is about to be pumped aboard the Sapphire II...
while the lorry fleet are at the ready for their loads.