Wednesday, 26 October 2016
Fish for all tastes on the mid-week market in Newlyn.
Two big beam trawlers, a handful of inshore trawlers and netters, handliners and the netter Britannia V...
put a good selection of ground fish on this morning's market including ray and monk tails...
plenty of unavoidable haddock...
guess this little chap...
beam trawl Dovers...
and monk...
your call, blondes or small-eyed ray or both?...
Roger on the Imogen II managed to snare a few elusive squid...
while brill and turbot was the icing on the cake for the beamer's trip...
seems there's a representative of every port in every port...
the big buyers...
vied for hake...
and at just over £4 a kilo...
there will be £20,000 of Cornish, er sorry @Bazilyo Devon squid on the Billy Rowney's settling sheet this morning...
and the odd bass found its way on to the market...
flying the company colours...
a handful of boats between trips...
including a few scallopers taking advantage of the settled weather...
while a day's work waits for a crabber crew on the quay...
the Cornishman, all set for the next trip...
as the heavy transport moves down the quay ready to take the best fish in the west away.