Friday, 10 June 2016
It's a full-on #FishyFriday
The making tide will soon have this fast inshore boat afloat...
and melt the iceberg this gull is stood on...
a bust #FishyFriday market again...
as a spring tide has just passed it is all trawl, inshore trawl and beam trawl fish today...
with some of the buyers doing some serious poses...
while Falfish's Edwin does his famed elephant impersonation ...
Don is always happy to avail himself of a few JDs...
while Paul on the Sapphire II is Mr Monk today...
and a smattering of Dovers thrown in...
while a handful of hake managed to swim low enough to get below the headline of his beam trawl...
best of the bass from the Boy...
and 50 shades of gray mullet from the Victory...
just a few of the black-bellied monk landed from the Scottish prawner, Replenish...
pristine line-caught pollack showing off their bright eyes and blood-red gills - this is fresh #FishyFriday fish at its best...
Nigel sneaked a few JDs in the last haul...
and so did skipper Tom...
fish waits for no man...
small is beautiful...
bigger is better...
and 90% of scallops sold in this country are caught by boats like this, the Pamela Jill...
handrails in a harbour?