Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Busy Wednesday evening in Newlyn
Making her first landing in Newlyn, the new Crystal Sea...
one punt in, one gig out - with the World Championships imminent all hands are getting as much practice in as possible...
there must be some fish here somewhere...
Crystal Sea quality...
one of the biggest Dutch beam trawlers working in the south-west, Soetkin makes her way in through the gaps...
as the skipper gives a friendly wave...
head-to-head on the Ajax...
as the boat comes alongside, the bow rope is made ready...
and heaved ashore...
while skipper Alan checks out the stern line...
Matt jumps ashore...
the big Dutchman is landing within minutes of coming alongside...
as the summer approaches the number of yachts steadily increases, generally they are bigger at this time of year...
almost ready for sea, the St Georges is looking very tidy after her paint up and MCA work is complete.