Monday, 4 January 2016
First Newlyn auction of 2016
Minutes before the first sale gets underway and it seems there was as much chance of it being all white inside the market this morning as outside - given the rarity of snow in these parts...
Cefas did there bit with precious few fish to collect data from...
while the buyer staff made short work of the morning's fish...
inside the market fridge prices were way higher than the ambient temperature...
for the few boxes of the finest Cornish mackerel...
which provided the bulk of the morning's fish up for auction...
though despite the huge shortage of fish even these bass did not come close to making €99 per kilo like the langoustine on Guilvinec market just before Christmas...
the Falmouth based New Harmony was the only inshore boat to brave the inclement weather land any quantity of white fish...
and a few reds...
and bass...
while a handful of the year's first sardines are not likely to end up on a BBQ at the moment...
the bidding was keen enough...
to keep auctioneer Ryan busy writing in his book...
and the fish were soon whisked away...
past a cheerful Mr washer...
so far five boats have left the harbour on their first trips of 2016 leaving the remainder of the fleet contemplating just how much longer the weather can keep them in port.