Friday, 30 October 2015
Quelle horreur! il est #FishyFriday!
High water and the Wherrytown Plaza skatepark comes under siege from the big tide...
with only two beam trawlers making landings and although the mix of fish includes lovely lemons...
and a handful of big cod...
auctioneer Ian takes the opportunity to push the buyers for the highest price possible...
as the few boxes of white fish like these plaice...
and gorgeous gurnards...
are heavily outnumbered by the black bulk of the trips from both boats...
a short morning's work from auctioneer Ryan...
with no net boats to sell at all...
the market is over soon enough...
as dawn brightens up a heavily overcast sky...
the Harvest Reaper still strains at her shore ropes alongside the market......
as does the visiting and recently up for sale late-season scalloper Aeolus...
after landing job number one is to refuel ready for the next fishy foray...
while this morning will see the Ajax pulling out of tier...
ahead of the crabber Harriet Eve...
a manouvre which takes careful handling by all hands...
and a careful watch......
and so it is that four hands are better than two when it comes to pulling boats back against the quay, an opportunity for the man on the Silver Dawn to slip the stern rope a little, but Matt wouldn't do that, would he?...
bare ribs aboard the Galilean...
looks like someone has touched up the blue boulders of late...
half an hour after high water and the Mission gets a wash down...
not a good day for the inshore boats today...
or passing cyclists...
as the onshore breeze pounds the beach at Newlyn green...
and gives the prom a covering of the finest Cornish Seaweed!