Saturday, 11 July 2015
Only real fishermen wear onzies.
Seven tons of starboard side chain mat and beam trawl hanging in the air...
deck space on the scalloper Martine from Brixham that was towed in yesterday...
showing her conveyor system for handling the contents of the dredges...
that is one serious creep - towed on the end of a single warp to retrieve a lost set of dredges or trawl...
didn't know it was 'wear a onzie to work day' today...
it's the time of year when both the teenage scallopers come and work off the Scillys...
and the grown up ones...
Mike and crew getting to grips with the Sapphire's port side beam trawl footrope...
pretty much all the Cornish sardine fleet waiting for the season to start...
there's a big set of jaws with a three hundred ton 'bite'...
taking the old ice works apart...
piece by piece...
under close site supervision...
Clovelley's old lifeboat is still in port and looking superb...
Nigel will be pleased with his new net drum...
which will make life much easier when hauling and shooting from the Innisfallen