Sunday, 7 June 2015
Hello Mr Hicks
Making her way to take ice...
for the next trip, the hake boat, Govenek of Ladram ties up in the ice berth...
with skipper Phil Mitchell the smiley one in charge...
spot the main man's mate waiting to tighten up the stern rope...
Andrew Stevens points out the finer aspects of his new net hauler - having mounted a starboard hauler on the port side allows him (as he works singlehanded) to access the fish much more easily as they come up through the hauler - with the extra thick guide bar preventing fish and floats from catching before the pressure wheel...
a haker and proud of it, there's no doubt where Mr Stevens' family hails from
he's in good company it seems...
causing a few double takes in the harbour this morning, after five years of antipodean adventures young Mr Hicks returns to do what he does best...
all under the watchful eye of father to three (well ship's husband for the Govenek fleet) Shaun Edwards...
make mine a large one shouts Tom as he prepares to take a ton of ice on the Harvest Reaper...
the equivalent to rush hour in Newlyn as boats take ice or come in to land...
like the Rowse crabber, Intuition....
under the watchful eye of skipper Alan Nudd...
as he comes in to berth astern of the Emma Louise.