Sunday, 28 June 2015
Golowan Festival!
It's Saturday morning and a sizeable flotilla of yachts have assembled in Penzance wet dock for the Golowan weekend which culminates on Sunday better known as Quay Day...
though Friday night's celebrations aboard the lugger Barnabus look as though they took their toll...
the historic lugger is due to make a round Britain passage and will include the Shetland Isles en route...
quay boat in her tier is another historic lugger...
the Guide Me, now well over 100 years old and still sailing without power - using just her lugger rig she has sailed the Atlantic and beyond in her travels...
a very Cornish weekend for all those who can make it to Penzance...
home of Pirates...
and others who will relieve anunwary public of their gold coins over the weekend...
there's a final opportunity to sample some of the amazing artwork produced by Penwith College students...
many inspired to use resources reflecting local tradition and working practices...
get your creative side in action and go sign up for a course now, full or part time or evening...
Golowan Band heads up the first afternoon parade
with their unmistakable style...
followed by a huge range of weird and wonderful creations from local schools who take part in this annual celebration of the eclectic mix that only Penzance could come up with!