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Wednesday 27 March 2013

Interesting reading - though likely to cure insomnia for some

In depth review of evidence supporting the recommended marine conservation zones - MB0116

Defra commissioned an in-depth review of the Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) evidence to build on and extend the evidence-specific work of the MCZ Regional Projects to support the designation of MCZs. 

This work was commissioned following the recommendation from the independent Science Advisory Panel that the evidence base for MCZs required a further in-depth review of data and information. The aim of the project is to deliver a comprehensive review of the MCZ evidence and identify any new evidence that can be used. The project only covers ecological features (as defined within the Ecological Network Guidance) and provides opinions on the level of confidence in the data. It will complement the advice provided by JNCC and Natural England on the MCZ evidence base. The outputs and conclusions of the projects will be considered as part of future MCZ evidence assessment and prior to MCZ designation in 2013.

Key Customer Purpose 

The study will build on and extend the evidence base underpinning rMCZs, making an important contribution to the MCZ Project. The project will be led by ABPmer supported by the Marine Biological Association of the UK and Marine Planning Consultants. Defra, Natural England and JNCC have published statements on the report to clarify findings and set the context for how the report fits with wider MCZ work.

COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure)

Fishery resources: recovery of cod stocks, long-term plan; aligning the Regulation with
the TFEU (Commission delegated and implementing powers)

Amending Regulation (EC) No 1342/2008 2008/0063(CNS)

3.15.01 Fish stocks, conservation of fishery resources
3.15.04 Management of fisheries, fisheries, fishing grounds
3.15.05 Fish catches, import tariff quotas

Awaiting Parliament 1st reading / single reading / budget 1st stage

The complete set of papers and reports can be found here.