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Friday 7 December 2012

CFP reform - what the industry needs to do in order to move forward in charge of its own destiny.

Mogens Schou has added a further comment to the ongoing debate being held on LinkedIn:

"The reformed CFP (at present council’s general approach) has a Janus face looking into the past with ongoing micro management and into the future with results based management. As a framework regulation the transition to the new policy requires a prudence and “understanding of the principles” implementation. A critical factor is the phasing in of industry responsibility and phasing out of public regulation – especially the risk of deregulation being too slow, thereby stalling the incentive effects of CQM. See http://www.blog.clientearth.org/reform/ “reaping the benefits of the CFP”.

Now, my point is that industry driven large scale trials may set the standard for the implementing regulations. Such trials are already done in CQM - Catch Quota Management trials conducted by Denmark, UK and Germany since 2008 and now covering about 30 % of cod catches in the North Sea (see
www.fvm.dk/yieldoffish ). I see a number of opportunities to deal with the new CFP issues this way. A support from funders to the industry in designing, following and reporting such trials could be a very concrete way of moving the new management ahead - before the deadlines set in the CFP and in a way that ensure that regulations do not only protect the fish but also provide the food output and economy we want. How to deal with the discard ban and the necessary exemptions, how to tackle the choke species problem, how to establish community pooling ensuring the matching of quotas with catches – etc, how to establish comprehensive data from commercial vessels etc"

Mogens Schou
Advisor to the Minister of Fisheries
Slotsholmsgade 12 CPH
msc@fvm.dk; +45 22 61 05 75