On Wednesday 2nd May at Truro College's Mylor Lecture Theatre at 19:00, writer, marine Biologist and BBC 2 Fishermen's Apprentice Monty Halls will be giving a talk on his latest television series.
Meet Monty and hear about his adventures and his time in Cornwall learning about the tough and dangerous lives of our Cornish fishermen. In conjunction with Waterstones Bookshop in Truro, Monty will also be signing his latest book 'The Fishermen's Apprentice' during the evening.
Monies raised during the evening will help the Fishermen's Mission charity to provide emergency and welfare support for fishermen and their families 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year at their welfare centre in Newlyn. To find out more about the charity visit www.fishermensmission.org.uk.
Don't forget, the mission skipper Keith Dixon and the rest of the crew will be undertaking the extreme 3 Peaks challenge later this year!
Tickets are £10.00 and can be obtained in advance from Waterstones bookshop in Truro or by emailing
ginamoore@rnmdsf.org.uk or ring Gina Moore on 07917 754293.
Use the map for directions to the Mylor Building at Truro College: |