Wednesday, 7 March 2012
EU Fisheries policy 2012 - a new basis for sustainably caught fish for food.
North Atlantic SeaFood Forum, Oslo, 7th March 2012
Speaking: Mogens Schou
Background: The Common Fisheries Policy is being revised.
It is the most important revision since the policy was adopted in 1983. The policy agreed in 1983 primarily concerned allocation of rights, while the presentproposal is the most important step ever to establish a policy where we use our marine resources. To the full of the reproductive capabilities of commercial stocks In respect of the ecosystem boundaries The Commission, the Council and the Parliament have sounded a clear commitment to a new policy for the sustainable use of marine resources as a basis for generation of wealth to fishing communities and supply of food for the European consumer. Denmark, now having the presidency of the Council will make its utmost to establish a political understanding – a general approach – in June in support of the new policy, and hopefully the formal decision of this policy will be taken at the end of 2012. The policy should mark a beginning for a development where all forces –regulatory and economic are aligned for the same end. It should also mark the beginning where we in the fishing area get order in our own house and start demonstrating the wealth fisheries can generate in the accelerating competition for marine space
See the full text and PowerPoint slides from the North Atlantic Forum talk from Mogens Schou here: