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Monday 28 November 2011

Cefas Endeavour on prawn ground!

With daily updates coming from the working decks of the research vessel Cefas Endeavour, individual scientists are being given a chance to explain their work in more detail.

Image courtesy of Cefas Endeavour.

Yesterday's post included some seabed photographs taken by the boats ROV - the shot of the poor cod includes numerous holes in the muddy sea floor - undoubtedly those made by langoustine (nephrops norvegicus) after they have turned in for the night - boats fishing for prawns generally only work daylight hours as langoustine react to the loss of daylight and hide way in their burrows as the light disappears from the sky. There is an excellent source of info on these and all other marine creatures to be found here at Marlin.ac.uk.

This research work over the MCZs will be of great interest to all those boats that fish in or near such areas. Until the Cefas web team get the comments activated on the blog, if there are any questions that fishermen might want asked of the team aboard the Endeavour, email them in and TtG will pass the over.