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Thursday 27 January 2011

Diary date: Monday evening at 'The Centre", Newlyn -7th February.

Don't forget that (6pm, Monday February 7th) there is an 'Evening with the Harbour Commissioners' at The Centre in Newlyn sponsored by the Cornishman newspaper.

"The Chairman also reported that the “Cornishman” newspaper had agreed to sponsor a public question and answer session at the end of January on the vision and strategy, together with key elements of the Business Plan. Some Commissioners commented that it was important that adequate notification of the event was given and that it was held on a spring tide when the catching sector would be able to attend."

The comment recorded in the NPHC minutes was heeded and the meeting is being held over the Spring tide period when the maximum number of fishermen will be ashore - gill netters do not fish over spring tides as the movement of the water stops the gear from fishing efficiently.

There is an opportunity for a number of local groups to meet with the Commissioners preceding the open presentation:

Groups are invited to attend the following presentations as follows:

Merchants @ 2.30pm Wednesday 2/2/11 at Penlee Room, The Centre

Catching Sector @ 2pm Monday 7/2/11 at Penlee Room, The Centre

Public @ 6pm Monday 7/2/11 Penlee Room, The Centre

Update your knowledge of work behind the scenes via the NPHC web site and the harbour minutes - which are these days publicly available online.

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