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Monday 31 January 2011

Monday last day of the month, will they make a million?

Big boat, big monk......
big cuttles, big fishing for the Cornishman again........
and the Ocean Spray didn't do too bad netting either......
only a handful of blackjacks (coley or saithe) for the Gary M......
let's hope with the increased revenue from the big landings this month the harbour can afford to replace the neon tubes in the darker corners of the fish market........
fish transport at the ready alongside the Cornish Ice Company.......
plenty of harbour boxes, though the guys are still keen to know where the 400 boxes that have gone missing are now located as is Roland Ballieul from Duncannon whose box is in view!.......
one mouthful - typical seal damge where the unpopular animal contents itself with a single mouthful from the belly of the biggest fish......
cracking monk tails from an inshore boat will make good money........
running in Cornishman black cuttle ink creates all sorts of shapes.........
with dozens of her boxes still to be cleaned........
take-off time for a marauding gull.

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