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Saturday 22 January 2011

Hot from the training kitchen!- the first mack baps in Penzance?

 College students take up the FishFight and set about preparing the mackerel- pin boning the fillets.......
 for many, the first time they have handled fish, never mind filleted them.......
 fresh fish need fresh bread rolls, a batch of baps have just finished the second rising......
before they make their way to the oven.......
 with them needed in advance of the battered fish.......
 all whisked by hand.......
not forgetting beer to give it the that classic smooth and fluffy batter texture.......
 two fillets at a time go in the deep fryer.......
before being transferred to warm paper lined trays........
 not forgetting to get the signage done to advertise the wares.......
one mack bap ready to go.......
means one happy customer!

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