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Saturday 15 January 2011

Come on Newlyn!

It seems that the Brixham Boys enjoyed a bumper year in 2010 - Brixham Trawler Agents - who operate the independent fish auction have just announced that last year the port saw £24,000,000 million pounds worth of fish pass through the market- that means that Newlyn can no longer call itself England's number one fishing port!

Last week saw three boats in Newlyn gross 150,000 between them - but let us not forget that there are still a significant number high grossing boats that continue to land their fish away to Plymouth and France.  Newlyn must do what it takes to bring the fish from these boats back across the market floor - the market need that fish to keep port viable for the future and they need to pay for those new fenders!


  1. I think you'll find that all fish landed at Newlyn, regardless of destination, is recorded on Newlyns figures.

  2. To 'Anonymous' - That is true in terms of recording the gross figure -but what Newlyn is now beginning to miss is the throughput of fish across the market floor to provide sufficient first hand trade fore the local merchants. There are now days when the quantity of fish is but a shadow of the past - not helped by a reduction in thew size of the active fleet of course!

  3. perhaps its time to look at the clock auction,maybe a bit fairer,instead of prices being decided in the cafe before the auction starts,cant think why the lads would want to land in plymouth or france :S

  4. Good morning Larry

    Remember that the actual quayside is the income generator (2.5%) of the value of every fish that passes over it regardless of point of sale.

    Without well maintained quays in strategic locations like Newlyn nothing would get landed.

    Newlyn is halfway between Bretagne and Eire at the confluence of the English and Bristol Channels facing the open Atlantic and not dependent on any single species of fish.


    We must capitalise on this fact more particulaly now that fuel prices make it cheaper for vessels to truck fish back than face a long expensive steam home.


    Currently Newlyn Market is a financial liability that has been inherited, this liability has over years starved the Harbour of funds for essential maintenance which must be urgently addresed before proceeding further.

    Failure to address this vital element will only discourage boats from landing starving the Harbour of the vital income stream that keeps it going.

    Renewal of fenders is the first step in the long march towards a number of basic improvements that will make the harbour more user friendly to all vessels itinerant or local who generate the vital Port income which will in time provide everything else.

    Best regards

    Kevin Bennetts

  5. The fenders are a small but obvious indication of the general tired appearance of what was England's largest por by turnover - enjoyed for many years since the decline of Grimsby and Hull. I'm sure the commissioners are hard at work reviewing the current port working practices and arrangements to ensure the maximum return needed to invest for the future - lets hope that those boats continue to break records and pay for the quays that they lay alongside and the harbour services they enjoy for their landing dues!

  6. Kevin Bennetts14 June 2011 at 09:12

    Good morning Larry

    Remember that the actual quayside is the income generator (2.5%) of the value of every fish that passes over it regardless of point of sale.

    Without well maintained quays in strategic locations like Newlyn nothing would get landed.

    Newlyn is halfway between Bretagne and Eire at the confluence of the English and Bristol Channels facing the open Atlantic and not dependent on any single species of fish.


    We must capitalise on this fact more particulaly now that fuel prices make it cheaper for vessels to truck fish back than face a long expensive steam home.


    Currently Newlyn Market is a financial liability that has been inherited, this liability has over years starved the Harbour of funds for essential maintenance which must be urgently addresed before proceeding further.

    Failure to address this vital element will only discourage boats from landing starving the Harbour of the vital income stream that keeps it going.

    Renewal of fenders is the first step in the long march towards a number of basic improvements that will make the harbour more user friendly to all vessels itinerant or local who generate the vital Port income which will in time provide everything else.

    Best regards

    Kevin Bennetts


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