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Sunday 5 December 2010

Pete's sardine shot.

 Full to the gunnels.......
with a good shot from their small ring net.


  1. good job pete knows what he's doing, he's the main man!

  2. ummmm.....pete's sardines?? It's actually a catch caught by Matthew keast and Danny and Jimmy on Matthews boat, and they aren't sardines, they are herrings, i know because they are my photos!!

  3. Good to see you spotted the deliberate mistakes Leeanne!! happy xmas x

  4. Good to see you spotted the deliberate mistakes Leeanne!! happy xmas x

  5. ummmm.....pete's sardines?? It's actually a catch caught by Matthew keast and Danny and Jimmy on Matthews boat, and they aren't sardines, they are herrings, i know because they are my photos!!


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