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Monday 22 November 2010

Busy buyers buy best bass for big bucks.

Evidence of the damage the local seal population can inflict on fish caught in nets was evident on the market this morning.....
nearly 30 kilos of good monk tails with bite-sized chunks missing......
not that that deterred the buyers from snapping up a market full of quality fish......
like this box length bass.......
with plenty more in the medium size range all loooking like they are London bound.......
at the other end of the market the Lisa Jacqueline's shot of cuttles made good money.....
down the quay, the Govenek of Ladram lays outside the St Georges which is currently waiting for a replacement flexible coupling twixt the main engine and gearbox.......
there are still some of Barrie Briscoe's sketches up for grabs at Badcock's gallery........
while Newlyn Design Centre has all the apparel needed to kit out your favourite skipper.......
looks like the beach clean was a success at the weekend.......
and with the wind likely to hang around an easterly direction this week the shoreline should stay reasonably clear.

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