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Thursday 2 September 2010

Snapshots from 1928.

 From the top, the Harbour Master's office, Stevensons, Wren &Co and F Jary, down below the Collectors office, Peacocks of Lowestoft, Richards and BJ Ridge - but what is under the tin roof in the foreground?.......
 looking over the market with its (then) curved roof - 'no dogs allowed' written on the end of the market roof.....
 Margaret's father, Arthur Lewis Smith stands next to Mr Kelynack, Harbour Master of the time - looked a tough job then too - just like the current encumbent the man's hair has gone white!!.......
looking over the harbour......

Here are the words of Margaret Mackintosh who sent in these photos taken of her father in 1928 - if any readers think they can add any further information, that would be most welcome.

"My  father and his half-brother lived in East London. There was an 11 year age difference - my father (24 years old in 1928) took his young brother to Newlyn for a holiday. There they met the Harbour Master, Mr Kelynack.

Arthur Smith died last year, aged 94, and his widow tells me the following:
‘When Arthur and I visited Cornwall and specifically Newlyn, he talked about staying near there on holiday with Doug, and about the Kelynack family. There was something about a Kelynack having been killed in WW1 and his name had been missed off the war memorial originally and added at a later date.

The Kelynacks were, I believe, friends of Emma Hodson (nee Smith) - Douglas’s and Arthur’s aunt, their father’s sister. A/the daughter, Winnie  Kelynack, is in Lilian (Emma’s daughter) Hodson’s wedding photo (about 1924). Douglas, Arthur and their father are also in the wedding photograph.’
Hope this is of some interest. Are there still Kelynack’s in Newlyn?"


sandswimmer said...

Almost nothing aside of the market roof has changed, and Mr Kelynack reminds me of Andrew Munson (is the full body moustache a pre requisite for a Newlyn Harbour Master?) - great find!

Larry Hartwell - Through the Gaps said...

Do I detect a tinge of sarcasm in the first part of that comment?!

sandswimmer said...

Almost nothing aside of the market roof has changed, and Mr Kelynack reminds me of Andrew Munson (is the full body moustache a pre requisite for a Newlyn Harbour Master?) - great find!

Laurence Hartwell said...

Do I detect a tinge of sarcasm in the first part of that comment?!